Lakes Community Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and where everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ and each other, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
Our service is held at 10AM every Sunday.
Our service is held at 10AM every Sunday.

Watch us Live
We are streaming our 10:00 AM service!
We are meeting together in person, but we will continue to live stream our service for you!
We are back on track for Sunday morning Gatherings! Join us at 10:00 AM for worship and the sermon!
However, if you are ill or not feeling well please stay home and engage with us via our live stream.
However, if you are ill or not feeling well please stay home and engage with us via our live stream.
Join us for the live stream on our Facebook page
Sunday at 10:00 AM
Follow the link below:
Sunday at 10:00 AM
Follow the link below:
Or join us for the live stream on our YouTube channel Sunday at 10:00 AM
Follow the link below:
Follow the link below:
Recent Sermon
Do you want to sample our preaching before committing to a Sunday morning visit? Then click the most recent sermon to the left to watch. You can also click the link below to browse all of our sermons.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Night Youth Group
6:00-8:30 pm
Why we give.
Our views on giving are anchored in the principles laid out in the Bible. God is generous and he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our treasure truly is and it helps us to proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
LCC gives too!
We believe in the principles of tithing that are laid out in both the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, Lakes Community Church gives at least 10% of everything we receive to other ministries across the world. To see some of the ministries we support look here.
Give online.
We use Subsplash Giving, which is fully integrated with our website. If you want to give online all you have to do use the form below, give as a guest or set up a profile. Then you'll be able to make your donation and track all of your donations throughout the year. You can even set up automatic monthly gifts.
Give in person.
We believe in giving to God, but we don't pass a giving plate around. We don't want to distract anyone or take the focus off of what God has to teach us that morning. So, if you want to give in person, there is a giving box on the back wall of the sanctuary where you can place your gift/tithe. There is also and iPad in the back of the room where you can give via debit/credit card.